Saturday, May 22, 2010

Jacqueline's Bouquet...

Peonies & Orchids... White "Duchesse de Nours", soft pink "Sarah Bernhart" , and stronger pink "Jules Ely" Peonies combined with "Jungfrau" pink throated white Cymbidium Orchids
That's my arm & pearl bracelet holding the bouquet.
I always wear a heavy bracelet on my left wrist to balance the weight
of the metal rods in my right wrist.
I had to have these "installed" after breaking my right wrist/arm into 52 pieces on March 29th, 2006. At the time I was advised that I would only get back about 50% use of my right wrist and hand...
Well, after 4 years I have about 90%-95% range of motion & ability.
So there. Ha.
Good news,

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