Saturday, July 26, 2008


Orange Orchids in The Boudoir
I have a client who lives in a fabulous seaside home in West Van...sometimes.
Most of the time she lives in Santa Barbara.

Burgundy Oncidium Orchids...
grace the sideboard in the dining room of her West Van Home.
But she is only here every few months for a week or two...

This was an installation that involved 20ft. ladders, 3 of us, and 6 hours....

Grasses, Ferns, Echevaria & Aloe fill a ledge below a skylight on the second level of this modern home built into the landscape

Here's the surprise.........These are all artificial.

Although artificial flowers and plants are not my thing particularly, I am very familiar with great suppliers of a high quality selection that I will bring in on a custom order basis. In addition to my background in designing set decoration flowers (which often need to incorporate fakes along with fresh) we also provide artificials for the real estate industry in display suites and sales centres. Interior designers or private clients are always welcome to come in for a consultation. Photos of your rooms can be emailed to & we will call you to book a consultation.

Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, you just have to fake it...

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