Martini, Anyone?Finally, "Coral Charm" Peonies are available! Only for a few weeks though, until late November when they are available from New Zealand for about 2 weeks. A huge double petaled blossom that opens quickly and completely, this variety lasts about 4-5 days, but is worth every penny of the $5-7 per stem cost. Only about 500 stems are sold through our local auction each week during the 2-3 week availability period, and those numbers serve the entire lower mainland and most of Western Canada, so with demand high, and availability low, these are rather dear in many ways!
The installation pictured above was designed by me (in December of 2007) on the request of one of my favourite Set Decorators, in order to determine the signature style of the main character in a feature film who owned a "quirky"flower shop...although I did get the job, unfortunately a few weeks later the producers decided on "product placement" using a major wire service to supply their flowers....This was a first for both myself and for the set dec crew, and a big disappointment as well...We're all used to seeing Coca Cola, Mac, and other various symbols prominently displayed on TV and in Films....but Flowers? Yikes!!!!